429 (Too Many Requests) - Soft Ban

A few tips on what to do if you encounter a soft ban

A soft ban involves partially blocking the activity of your number. For example, you'll be able to send messages but not create groups. Or view and respond to messages, but without the ability to write new messages. This blocking is temporary and is related to atypical activity of your number. If you encounter error 429 (Too Many Requests), it means that your number has fallen under soft blocking. This is not a permanent ban yet, which means you will be able to continue using the number, but with some time restrictions.

A few tips on what to do if you encounter a soft ban:

  • Give the account a "rest", stop sending messages (or doing the activity your number has been doing for the last 12 hours, such as creating groups, etc.) for a day or two, don't use WhatsApp with that number.

  • Reinstall the app and switch accounts (for example, if you have WhatsApp Business, log out of it and log into regular WhatsApp, and vice versa).

  • Write an email to WhatsApp support via the mobile app (Settings -> Help -> Write to us) asking them to unblock your account since you haven't violated anything. In response, you should wait for the standard reply that the account is unlocked, after which messages will start being delivered.

Last updated

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