This section describes the webhook format for an incoming text message.
You can find more details about all parameters and their types in the WebHook documentation .
The messages array contains all messages that were sent to the webhook URL. Sent on event "
" or "messages.put
". We mentioned more about the events here: Mode setting
Incoming text message
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "p.w30M7fgwWD4XwHu.g4CA-gBgTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "text",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1712995245,
"source": "mobile",
"text": {
"body": "Hello world"
"from": "919984351847"
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Read incoming message
Copy {
"statuses": [
"id": "p.w30M7fgwWD4XwHu.g4CA-gBgTwl0rVw",
"code": 4,
"status": "read",
"recipient_id": "",
"timestamp": "1712995290"
"event": {
"type": "statuses",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming reply by button
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"messages": [
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"from_me": false,
"type": "reply",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1726126124,
"source": "mobile",
"chat_name": "Jonathan Customer",
"reply": {
"type": "buttons_reply",
"buttons_reply": {
"id": "ButtonsV3:randomId1",
"title": "Button1"
"context": {
"quoted_id": "yqKj.Z7XWg0g1lA-wD8Sij1GoQ",
"quoted_author": "919984351847",
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"header": "Header with text",
"body": "Body message",
"footer": "Footer message",
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"type": "quick_reply",
"text": "Button1",
"id": "ButtonsV3:randomId1"
"type": "quick_reply",
"text": "Button2",
"id": "ButtonsV3:randomId2"
"quoted_type": "hsm"
"from": "61371989950",
"from_name": "Jonathan"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-PF238"
Incoming text message with URL
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "wbvJ8Fr71sq2L8lPILge.Q-gLUTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "link_preview",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713201613,
"source": "mobile",
"link_preview": {
"body": "This is text with url",
"url": "",
"title": "Enriched Cloud API for WhatsApp - Our Features",
"id": "file-c1bbc9f05afbd6cab62fc94f20b81ef9-80b513c25d2b57",
"sha256": "ckBXLlYx8dYz2Qe9ZGWNbzxFH6T+mYrElsVyOOIQd28=",
"description": "Our API allowing you to connect your website or system to your WhatsApp account, send messages to your customers, and efficiently manage your groups, contacts, orders, goods etc.",
"preview": "........."
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with document
The link
parameter will only appear when the Auto Download setting is enabled, which downloads files to the cloud and stores them for 30 days.
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "tGZmYoiXecvbKahzwpwKmg-gEcTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
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"source": "mobile",
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"sha256": "TdxdgX8lBzV6/SYW96F/BEh19ob0eFAn4wKAWhWpUyk=",
"file_name": "File_example.pdf",
"link": "",
"caption": "This is text with file",
"filename": "File_example.pdf",
"page_count": 14,
"preview": ".........."
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with voice audio
The link
parameter will only appear when the Auto Download setting is enabled, which downloads files to the cloud and stores them for 30 days.
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "oOv4asxjzsG949lluzApPg-gFETwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "voice",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713206474,
"source": "mobile",
"voice": {
"id": "oga-a0ebf86acc6d9653cec1bde3bb30293e-805113c25d2b57",
"mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=opus",
"file_size": 7848,
"sha256": "BDxh78Oq9X0BDIU4MpWd0tiJCLQVGo6Cr22OisLAXmU=",
"link": "",
"seconds": 3
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with geolocation
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "d1pxYYXaaoS.ViAtmE6rPA-gAoTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "location",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713202936,
"source": "mobile",
"location": {
"latitude": 44.5381067,
"longitude": 25.7787495,
"preview": "........"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with Live geolocation
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "RdtP4a16Zs._BbcgvC3N6w-gGMTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "live_location",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713202720,
"source": "mobile",
"live_location": {
"latitude": 44.5381067,
"longitude": 25.7787495,
"caption": "My live location",
"sequence_number": 1713202719671001,
"preview": "........."
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with contact
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"messages": [
"id": "sTttJjRHIePJR_WK7JUJgQ-gMkTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "contact",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713203367,
"source": "mobile",
"contact": {
"name": "Whapi Dev Channel",
"vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:Channel;Whapi;Dev;;\nFN:Whapi Dev Channel\nORG:Helloworld College\nTITLE:\nTEL;type=Mobile;waid=61280155346:+61 2 8015 5346\nEND:VCARD"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with contacts array
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "P1.zAHRrD4eWwbkzhJlu5w-gC8Twl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "contact_list",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713203412,
"source": "mobile",
"contact_list": {
"list": [
"name": "Dev Whapi Checker",
"vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:Checker;Dev;Whapi;;\nFN:Dev Whapi Checker\nTEL;type=Mobile:+1 (216) 744-1018\nEND:VCARD"
"name": "Whapi Dev Channel",
"vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:Channel;Whapi;Dev;;\nFN:Whapi Dev Channel\nORG:Helloworld College\nTITLE:\nTEL;type=Mobile;waid=61280155346:+61 2 8015 5346\nEND:VCARD"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with quote
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "K5iXSDAPkTxTzMTUBLMvcA-gEATwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "text",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713203447,
"source": "mobile",
"text": {
"body": "Thanks"
"context": {
"quoted_id": "yqJRppZk7BI-wNoTwl0rVw",
"quoted_author": "61371989950",
"quoted_content": {
"body": "Hello from API"
"quoted_type": "text"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with sticker
The link
parameter will only appear when the Auto Download setting is enabled, which downloads files to the cloud and stores them for 30 days.
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "nkiUVCEQLYex741Bm4NqSQ-gIYTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "sticker",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713203569,
"source": "mobile",
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"sha256": "3Hng4qYEzT/NquSSh/UhbAaIw+cXqhdSjtGaPufYFVM=",
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"width": 512,
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"animated": true
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message-emoji reaction
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"messages": [
"id": "BTRGsVX7LoFWE5Bkd0eVAA-gOcTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "action",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713203716,
"source": "mobile",
"action": {
"target": "yqJRppZk7BI-wNoTwl0rVw",
"type": "reaction",
"emoji": "๐"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with group invitation
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "O5AqBFcFuC_q561s.EcMVg-gJsTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "group_invite",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713795517,
"source": "mobile",
"group_invite": {
"body": "Hello",
"url": "",
"title": "Name changed ๐ฅ Yar!",
"invite_code": "BxnEkf2xLeLKAwBwn5EZLK",
"id": "file-3b902a045705b82feae7ad6cf8470c56-813c2509bd2b57",
"sha256": "UocyuqaECIdhfhXFyWviPjlrK1jHVmiYpUowtO8MeHQ=",
"description": "WhatsApp Group Invite",
"preview": ".........."
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with product
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "QS5K3_XwtfXnQU9bxJRBPQ-gIQTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "product",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713795443,
"source": "mobile",
"product": {
"product_id": "7275856165856513",
"catalog_id": ""
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with catalog
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "yqJGSHAr3x0-gGgTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "catalog",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713795236,
"source": "mobile",
"catalog": {
"body": "Look at this!\n",
"url": "",
"canonical": "",
"title": "MyShop",
"catalog_id": "919984351847",
"preview": "..........."
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with poll
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "9N4IF5zS1OwY9m.NUBE3ag-gE8Twl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "poll",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713205837,
"source": "mobile",
"poll": {
"title": "My question",
"options": [
"Point 1",
"Point 2",
"Point 3"
"total": 0,
"results": [
"name": "Point 1",
"voters": [],
"count": 0,
"id": "TNMMXFdlKvIk+DtozFvnZnVLnI3+Lk3vVSxppxFLzBo="
"name": "Point 2",
"voters": [],
"count": 0,
"id": "PkUcpv6T9mfhcvvYv+/AvR2Viu/lslMGqNBgQA0bDqE="
"name": "Point 3",
"voters": [],
"count": 0,
"id": "rCoFUNfBRqhGNPoWG0jD4H1vR4PyPqU1rLUdx84Bt64="
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with poll update
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "acvd9A6XTf_nC7q5H3w2Og-wNMTwl0rVw",
"from_me": true,
"type": "action",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713205922,
"source": "mobile",
"status": "sent",
"action": {
"target": "9N4IF5zS1OwY9m.NUBE3ag-gE8Twl0rVw",
"type": "vote",
"votes": [
"from": "61395991783",
"from_name": "Dev Whapi"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming message with order
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "7GZVXunkHjZaIOgEgWPPrw-gDMTwl0rVw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "order",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713264543,
"source": "mobile",
"order": {
"order_id": "964278151888836",
"seller": "61371989950",
"title": "Jonathan",
"token": "AR4ToE6jF7HwiKY8cUChFb+h6Blgb0sbRMOY3vwRHhsaeg==",
"item_count": 3,
"currency": "AUD",
"total_price": 359,
"status": "new",
"preview": "......"
"from": "919984351847",
"from_name": "Gerald"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
Incoming channel admin invite
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "yqLJwDbyoe8-gGcOS60TLw",
"from_me": false,
"type": "admin_invite",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713863006,
"source": "api",
"device_id": 24,
"admin_invite": {
"newsletter_id": "120363260670839366@newsletter",
"newsletter_name": "My journey",
"expiration": 1714401910,
"body": "Hi buddy, please help me with my channel"
"from": "61371989950",
"from_name": "Jonathan"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-PF298"
Incoming HSM-Template message (WhatsApp Business Account (WABA )
Copy {
"messages": [
"id": "D47hovYN9GXp-gJASdDLolQ",
"from_me": false,
"type": "hsm",
"chat_id": "",
"timestamp": 1713206231,
"source": "business_api",
"from": "919703374655",
"from_name": "919703374655"
"event": {
"type": "messages",
"event": "post"
"channel_id": "MANTIS-M72HC"
MessageType string
default: text
Message type
[ text, image, video, gif, audio, voice, short, document, link_preview, location, live_location, contact, contact_list, sticker, system, call, unknown, action, group_invite, product, interactive, reply, poll, hsm, order, story ]
WhatsApp ID of the sender
Is message from me
Pushname of the sender
MessageSource string
default: text
Message source
[ web, mobile, api, system, business_api ]
Device ID, if the message was not sent through the app
StatusEnum string
List [ "Message failed to send (Red error triangle in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Message pending to send (One clock in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Message received by WhatsApp server (One checkmark in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Message delivered to recipient (Two checkmarks in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Message read by recipient (Two blue checkmarks in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Voice-message played by recipient (Two blue checkmarks in WhatsApp Mobile)", "Message deleted by the user" ]
Message ack status
[ failed, pending, sent, delivered, read, played, deleted ]