Google Contacts integration (Beta test)

  1. To get started, contact our support team to have us enter your email as beta test participants.

  2. Go to Integrations and select the Google Contacts block.

  3. Select a channel and click the "Give permission to the application" button.

  4. You will be redirected to give permission for our application to Google. IMPORTANT: Choose the Google Account to which your phone's contacts are synchronized!

  5. Synchronize Google with your phone contacts, which will add unfamiliar numbers to the group. To do this on your phone, go to "Accounts" and select your Google profile. Next, open the Account Synchronization tab. Activate the toggle switch next to "Contacts". Click the button in the form of three dots, and then select the "Synchronize" option. If everything is done correctly, the list of subscribers will be immediately uploaded to the Google Contacts servers.

  6. After giving permission, you will be taken back to the integration page, now there is a new field: your token for requests to Google. Copy it!

  7. Use this token when generating a request like:

Don't forget to send your channel token as well!


The request will require specifying a Header with the name Authorization and the value "Bearer channel Token"


    "token": "YOUR_Google_auth_TOKEN",
    "contacts": [
            "phone": "1505245559",
            "name": "1"
            "phone": "509832455540",
            "name": "2"
            "phone": "373983245541",
            "name": "3"

You can always remove the integration by following this link:

Final realization may vary after leaving the beta test

Last updated